
Primary Faculty

Our faculty members instruct students, guide them, and make them partners in advanced research projects. They combine practical experience with in-depth scholarly activities to advance the department's mission.

  • Headshot of Mason IST professor Sharon Adamus

    Professor / Teaching

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Mason IST assistant professor Omoche cheche Agada

    Assistant Professor / Teaching

    Research Interests: AI and ML, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Education Technology, Health Informatics, Human-Centered Computing, Smart Communities
  • Mason IST associate professor Pouyan Ahmadi

    Associate Professor / Teaching

    Research Interests: Cooperative communications and networking, cross-layer design of wireless networks, relay deployment and selection in wireless networks.
  • Humaira Akhtari wears a sophisticated red scarf and blazer

    Instructor / Teaching, Assistant Chair for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies

    Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Educational Technology, Personalized Learning
  • Max Albanese at a Cybersecurity forum

    Associate Professor / Tenured
    Associate Chair for Research, Department of Information Sciences and Technology - Associate Director, Center for Secure Information Systems

    Research Interests: AI & ML, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Education Technology, Health Informatics, Human-Centered Computing, and Smart Communities
  • Bronze George Mason statue

    Assistant Professor, Department of Information Sciences and Technology

    Research Interests: Solar Flare Prediction, machine learning, data mining, algorithm development, and information security
  • Hussna Azamy wears a pink collared shirt and dark blazer

    Instructor, Department of Information Sciences and Technology

    Research Interests: Application security, penetration testing, threat modeling, risk assessment, secure architecture, and emerging areas like GenAI security
  • Mason IST associate professor Mihai Boicu

    Associate Professor / Tenured

    Research Interests: Cognitive Systems, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Collective Intelligence/Crowd Sourcing, Abductive Reasoning, Wigmoreans Networks, Engineering Education
  • Mason IST assistant professor Olcay Ciftci

    Assistant Professor / Teaching

    Research Interests: AI and ML, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Education Technology, Health Informatics, Human-Centered Computing, Smart Communities
  • Michael Eagle wears a gray suit, light-blue shirt and glasses

    Assistant Professor / Tenure-track

    Research Interests: Educational Data Mining, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Educational Video Games, Human-Centered Data Science, AI/ML