Override Requests for SYST 469, AIT, and IT courses will not be accepted for review until 2 weeks prior to registration opening.
Requests sent for non- AIT/IT/SYST 469 will not be responded to. Be sure to contact the department offering the course for assistance.
BAS students interested in registering for IT courses should submit override requests at https://bas.gmu.edu/academics/policies-procedures/registration-overrides/.
ADVANCE students interested in taking IT 102 will need to have their ADVANCE coach email BSIT@gmu.edu with your name, G#, Mason email address, and a copy of your VCCS transcript which details your completion of or enrollment in a (MATH 108 or 113) equivalent.
Registration Overrides (for AIT, IT, and SYST 469 ONLY)
Registration Overrides Are Needed If...
- You have a non-coded substitution/waiver for a course that is a prerequisite for a course for which you wish to register. You can view your substitutions/waivers in your Degree Evaluation.
- Examples:
- A substitution of ITP 120/ITP 150/ITD 256/ITE170 for IT 106/109/214/213;
- A substitution of ACCT 203 for MBUS 300;
- A substitution of MATH 114 for MATH 108;
- A waiver of IT 212 or IT 341 or 442;
- A grade of S for IT 191, IT 193, IT 194, or IT 196.
- Examples:
- You wish to register for a concentration course but have transfer credit for the associated gateway course (i.e., grade of T for IT 106 or IT 109, IT 206 or 209, IT 213, IT 214, IT 223, or IT 341);
- You are in a catalog year BEFORE 2016-2017 and you have a C, C+, or B- in the course that is now a gateway course for concentrations (IT 106 or IT 109 for ITE; IT 206 or IT 214 for DTP; IT 213 for WDM; IT 214 for HIT; IT 223 for INFS; IT 341 for NTEL).
- You need to take a third/fourth attempt at an IT course. A third attempt of a College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) course requires support by the student's major department as well as permission by the department offering the course. DO NOT submit a request form, but rather follow the instructions below for requesting a repeat attempt.
Registration Overrides Are Not Needed If....
You are currently registered for a course that is a prerequisite for a course you wish to take in the next semester.
The system assumes you will pass your current course(s), and will allow you to register for the next course. If you do not pass the current course, you must drop the subsequent course before the next term begins. If you do not, you will be administratively removed from it. You will be responsible for any financial or academic repercussions of the schedule adjustment.
Registration Overrides Will Not be Granted For...
- Campus Restriction error messages
- This means that the section you are trying to register for is reserved for a particular student body, ie, K sections are reserved for Mason Korea; certain online sections are reserved for Mason Online (MOL) students.
- This means that the section you are trying to register for is reserved for a particular student body, ie, K sections are reserved for Mason Korea; certain online sections are reserved for Mason Online (MOL) students.
- Student Classification error messages
- This means that your classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) at the time of registration is not eligible to register for this course.
- Examples: IT 492 requires Senior classification; IT 343 requires Junior classification; IT 293 requires Sophomore classification; ENGH 302 requires at least Sophomore classification.
- This means that your classification (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) at the time of registration is not eligible to register for this course.
- Capacity/Course Full
- If a course you wish to add is full, your options are to 1) add yourself to a waitlist (if available), 2) select an alternative section, 3) check the schedule frequently for additional seats and/or sections.

How to Request a Registration Override
If you are receiving registration error messages when attempting to register for AIT courses, IT courses, or SYST 469, you will need to request a registration override. Make sure you are eligible to register for the course by checking the prerequisites/co-requisites and restrictions in the catalog.
Override requests are reviewed by the information science and technology advisors in the order in which they are received. Duplicate requests will be moved to the bottom of the queue.
Requests for non-SYST 469/IT/AIT courses will not be responded to. Contact the department offering the course for assistance.
Requests sent with multiple courses in one or invalid credentials (typos in G#/email addresses, non-Mason email addresses, invalid terms, etc.) will not be responded to. Make sure your email address, G#, terms, etc., are correct BEFORE you submit.

How to Request Repeat Attempts of IT Courses
Request a third attempt of an IT course
Students must complete the Request for Third Attempt of CEC Course, including the reasons and aspects with which you struggled, and your plans for success in your third and final attempt, then email the form to it3rdreq@gmu.edu for advisor review. Third attempts are not permitted in summers.
If you are unable to register for the course by the last day to add classes for the required term, be sure to submit a to Request to Delay Final Attempt of a Course to IT3rdReq@gmu.edu, including the reason why you cannot add the course (ex. All sections are full; schedule conflict include supporting documentation; etc.). These are not guaranteed to be approved. If denied, you will be designated for termination at the end of your next enrolled semester and would need to submit a pre-Termination Appeal for review by the Dean's office.
Please keep in mind once a student has attempted one of these courses twice unsuccessfully, the third attempt must be no later than the next semester of enrollment, excluding summers. Failure to take the course at that time will result in termination from the major.
Request a fourth attempt of a course
- Student must complete the Student Success Plan and submit it to the department offering the course ([IT3rdReq@gmu.edu] for IT courses; Statistics for STAT 250; English for ENGH 100/101, 302; School of Business for MBUS 300; etc.) for review.
- The course's department will review the plan, then checks approve or deny, and signs the success plan form.
a. If denied, then the form stops there.
b. If approved the form must be sent to the student’s advisor or bsit@gmu.edu for review. - The advisor will submit the success plan form and academic transcript to CEC Student Services for Dean’s approval.
- Student will be informed of final decision.
a. If approved, CEC Student Services sends ‘Exception to AP.1.3.4’ form to registrar for student to be given override to register for a fourth and final attempt.

Registration Override Request Form
Third and fourth attempt requests cannot be submitted through this form. Please see the above instructions for submitting such requests.
All other requests (for SYST 469 or IT courses), please submit the necessary information, below.
Requests sent with multiple courses in one or invalid credentials (typos in G#/email addresses, non-Mason email addresses, invalid terms, etc.) will not be responded to. Make sure your email address, G#, terms, etc., are correct BEFORE you submit.
Please allow up to 3 business days for a response. Please keep in mind override requests will not be accepted for review until 2 weeks prior to registration opening.